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RCS is a full service engineering firm specializing in Construction Materials Testing, Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI), and QA/QC services. RCS was founded in 2013 and is a FDOT Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.  With over 60 years of combined FDOT experience, RCS has the knowledge and capability to help our customers build high quality roads and bridges on time and on budget. 

RCS provides its clients with highest quality professional service, timely scheduling and economical engineering solutions in return for fair and reasonable fees. We offer a personal commitment to each client to define, understand and achieve their objectives. 


Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI)

As a DBE consultant pre-qualified in FDOT Work Group 10.1 and 10.3, RCS provides CEI support services as a subconsultant to prime consultants on bridge and roadway transportation projects.  RCS's services include:


  • Earthwork Testing and Inspection

  • Drilled Shaft Inspections

  • MSE Wall Inspections

  • Driven Pile Inspection

  • Asphalt Paving Inspections

  • Concrete Testing and Inspections

Quality Control Services

RCS has a full team of CTQP certified professionals on staff to partner with Contractors on FDOT projects.  Our QC services are designed to complement an existing QC program or provide turnkey QC services; all based on our client’s needs.  Our goal is to build and nurture a strong relationship with our clients by providing cost efficient, reliable QC services resulting in a quality product for the owner.   RCS’s QC services include:


  • QC Management

  • QC Plans and MaintainDraft

  • Generate Density Log Book (DLB)

  • Vibration Monitoring

  • Earthwork Testing and Inspection

  • Concrete Testing and Inspection

  • Asphalt Roadway and Plant Inspection

  • Pile Driving / Drilled Shaft Inspections

Construction Materials Engineering & Testing

RCS’s QA/QC testing and inspection services include:

  • Soils

  • Concrete

  • Asphalt

  • Threshold Inspection

  • Deep Foundations

  • Pre-stressed Concrete Production



Roberts Consulting Services, Inc. (RCS)  is a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise that provides qualified staff personnel to clients for roadway and bridge construction projects in the State of Florida. We are a multi-disciplined organization of engineers, field and laboratory technicians, and support personnel who combine their technical capabilities, past experiences, dedication, and enthusiasm to provide quality engineering services to our clients. RCS provides Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI), Construction Quality Control, Construction Materials Engineering and Testing services to our clients located throughout Central Florida. At RCS, we take great pride in knowing our clients choose us because of our commitment to their satisfaction, technical expertise and reputation for exceptional performance. RCS has been engaged in CEI and other capacities to oversee and help plan some of Florida’s most critical roadway projects as either the prime or sub-consultant. RCS has an experienced and diverse staff, that are capable of providing an array of consulting services. 



RCS was founded in 2013 by Melanie Roberts. Prior to founding RCS, Melanie worked for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for more than 30 years, serving as the CEI Manager of District One. Melanie is committed to providing highly qualified personnel and exceptional customer service to our clients. 




For any inquiries or questions please call:

863-279-1394 or fill out the following form

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Main Office

2003 Havendale Blvd NW

Winter Haven, FL 33881

Tel: 863-279-1394

Fax: 863-638-6392


To apply for a job with RCS, please send a cover letter together with your Resume to:

Contact Us: 863-279-1394

© 2017 by Roberts Consulting Services, Inc.

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